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The Budget Breakthrough Private Podcast Series! Unlock Your Path To Success    →

I'm an avid fiction reader and numbers nerd. I even support my avid reading with spreadsheets.

After spending 15 years on my journey going it alone, when I reached financial independence, my passion became helping other women on their money journey. 

Hi there, I'm Dalene Higgins


My mission is to empower women, ensuring they feel completely at ease with their finances. I firmly believe that the foundation of a successful financial journey lies in budgeting—a topic often met with reluctance and confusion. My passion lies in unveiling the transformative power hidden within budgeting, guiding women to embrace this essential tool with confidence.

Did you know 85% of household day-to-day finances are managed by women? And we are all doing this with little education if any at all. 

I'm all about empowering women to financial freedom.


I'm devoted to guiding clients toward financial independence, aligning life with passions, and enabling them to take control of their financial destiny.

I see myself as a beacon of hope and empowerment, where clients achieve true financial independence and embrace their passions with confidence. I envision a world where my clients not only understand they have enough money but are content with it, ultimately finding happiness and fulfillment in their current financial state

I’ve been in similar shoes. I had student loans and car payments, supporting kid's activities and other family fun. When I got really focused on my money, I realized that financial freedom wasn’t just possible—it was within reach! My mission is to help you get there too by showing you how easy it can be to pay off your debts and start saving for retirement (or whatever else makes you happy).

My vision is to create a future where every client develops a new, harmonious relationship with their money, one that empowers them to live a life of financial security and abundance.
You can do anything, but not everything

How I Like To Relax

Hot BATH + read

Favorite Food


Favorite Season


Favorite Artist

elton john

Favorite Color


Favorite TV Show

Friends & gilmore girls

6 Random Facts


If you want to experience what it would be like to have me as your coach, schedule a complimentary coaching session by clicking the button below. 

This is not a discovery session to talk about working together. It’s an obligation-free, deep dive into you and your money. If you’re an entrepreneur, we can also discuss business finances as well. 

If, and only if, by the end of the call we both feel excited by the idea of moving forward, then we’ll schedule a separate call to discuss working together. If that sounds like a good plan to you, then go ahead and click the button below to book your complimentary session today. 

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Complimentary Coaching Session

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