reserve your spot today

A 4-month financial coaching program designed to help you gain clarity on your finances, confidently take control of your money and build a future aligned with your values through effective tools, routines, habits, and a clear financial purpose.

Financial Freedom Accelerator

signature coaching program

This isn't just another budgeting program. It's a transformative journey designed to empower you to take control of your finances and build a future aligned with your values.

Over four months, you'll gain clarity, master budgeting techniques, and develop sustainable strategies to achieve financial freedom.

Create A Path To Financial Success

My signature program is specifically designed for individuals like you who are ready to master their money once and for all. 

Whether you're seeking to overcome debt, navigate a new financial situation post-divorce, or prepare for retirement, this program is just for you! Join me and let’s transform your financial life, one step at a time.

When it comes to budgeting and saving, you’ve tried countless times and ended up feeling like a failure. 😢

Are you over 40 and still trying to figure out how to take control of your finances?

You’ve created several budget templates and downloaded several apps, yet you find yourself still struggling to successfully track and manage your money. 

let's chat! 

It wasn’t you failing with those attempts, those budget guides, templates, and apps were incomplete. The were misleading because they don’t help think beyond the month. Life isn’t exactly the same from month to month so our budgets should not be either. 

It's time to stop relying on free downloads and hoping things will work out and take a different action to start truly seeing different results!

🤫 Do you want to know a secret? 

We’ll collaborate to craft a wealth blueprint tailored to YOU and your unique lifestyle.

We'll establish a system to efficiently manage your cash flow, allowing you to effortlessly track your spending and gain insights into how your decisions impact your future financial outlook—without the need for countless hours of effort. 

With this approach, I promise that your financial situation will naturally improve as you stay focused on your goals and dreams. 

There's no need for forced cutting, reducing, or eliminating any expenses from your current lifestyle. 

As you learn and grow with the systems taught in this program, opportunities and desires will naturally emerge, prompting you to make changes that align with your future financial goals.

In the Financial Freedom Accelerator:

reserve your spot!

💭Imagine feeling good and on top of your financial situation instead of worrying about debt and struggling to make ends meet. 

💭Imagine having a personalized budget plan that aligns with your lifestyle being able to continue to eat out, grab that Starbucks in the morning, or ensure that you do get to travel regularly with family.

💭Imagine using easy tools and routines to keep you aware of your financial situation and being able to make powerful decisions even when that unexpected repair bill arrives in the mail. 

💭Imagine having the tools and knowledge to build a future you desire and having your own crystal ball to help you glimpse ahead and see what changes will truly do to your situation. 

If you’re ready to quit imagining and see what you can truly create, book a call today to discuss your options.

book your free call

Using the Plan Ahead Method™, you will learn to effectively plan for the future while managing current and past events. This approach aligns with real life, offering better preparation and support for all aspects of your financial journey.

plan ahead method™️

The Cash Flow Success Method ties the three budget categories to three separate bank accounts. This money management system helps you stay organized, spending less time each week on financial management.

Your money is available in the account you need for spending and bills avoiding overspending and overdraft fees.

cash flow success method

The Simplify3 budgeting method allows us to create a budget that accurately reflects who you are today with money.

Three (3) categories: Bills, Spending, and Savings.

No reductions. No additions. 
Just a budget that supports who you are today.

simplify3 budgeting method

The Power of 3 Framework

How I Help You

My 3-Step Process to make BANK with a BUDGET

- Client AQ

"Dalene has helped me to view our finances in a totally different way that supports having a "budget" and stewarding our money better without so much loose spending while not actually having to have a strict budget and track all expenses."

- Client JRK

"Working with Dalene was a game-changer for my financial journey. I knew I was doing okay, but had no system to manage my money. Dalene showed me the power of laying out my numbers and tracking them."

- Client LC

"My perspective on budgeting changed! Before working with Dalene, I saw it as a chore and restrictive. After, I realized that budgeting for things that bring me joy is just as important as budgeting for bills and savings. Dalene taught me the value of intentional spending and how it can enhance my overall well-being."

- Client BC

"So glad I did my work up with you!! I went from paycheck-to-paycheck and making minimum payments on my credit cards to paying off $5k of debt and saving $2500 in 3 months! It makes me happy to open my spreadsheet and see my progress! And it’s definitely helped me curb my non-essential junk spending.


What They're Saying:

  • Create a debt payoff and/or savings strategy plan
  • Build a successful money routine for ease and flow
  • Empower you with tools and skills to plan for the future
  • Help you find fulfillment and purpose with your money
  • Be successful with setting and achieving financial goals

During the program, we will focus on the following outcomes*:

*actual outcomes are based on client’s dedication and commitment

Investment: $1,599

  • Uncover your financial priorities and goals through personalized guidance and self-discovery exercises.
  • Master budgeting techniques to effectively manage your cash flow and make informed spending decisions.
  • Develop a personalized plan to pay off debt and build savings.
  • Learn to align your spending with your values to reach goals faster.

Pay in Full Discount 10%
Flexible Payment Plans Available


  • Ten (10) 60-minute coaching sessions
  • Meet 4x first month
  • Meet 2x remaining months
  • Voxer messaging support between sessions
  • Budgeting tools and worksheets for growth and support


What Do You Get Inside The Program?

Financial Freedom Accelerator Program

Financial Foundations

Explore ways to align your spending with your values and define your financial purpose. Learn how to grow with the Plan Ahead Method™️.

Develop a long-term financial strategy for continued success. Focus on what it means to continue to build into the future.

Begin using the Plan Ahead Method™️ and start looking to the future. Begin crafting a plan to tackle debt and savings. 

**Note: This is a rough outline of what we will cover over our four months together.

enroll today

month 1

month 3

month 4

month 2

Gain clarity with your current financial situation and what future goals you have. Develop a personalized budget that works for you. Implement strategies to manage cash flow.

Mastering Your Money

Building Your Financial Future

Freedom & Beyond

It's time to stop being scared of your TRUE financial situation! 

Many of my clients initially believe their situation is worse than it actually is, but together, we've often discovered they're better off than they thought.
It’s time to quit putting this action off. You’re not getting any younger and while time is still on your side you need to act sooner than later. 

I would love to support you as you take that first step. If you’re ready to take that step or maybe even have just a few more questions, be sure to book a call. I can help alleviate your fears and help you get excited about the changes ahead. 

I understand it's scary, and you might feel embarrassed. I'm not focused on your past—I'm dedicated to helping you achieve the financial future you want. I'm ready to support you and find a way to make your financial situation the best it's ever been.

schedule your free call now!